IAP Consulting Firm


Intake And Processing

U5Tis of the highest caliber and are created in a financial realm that few have ever had access to.  This Five Pillars of Wealth Account will function “above” the traditional retail financial institutional systems heretofore available to you.  This realm is frequented by the wealthy, asset-elites’ of the world and so brings to its settlers the very best of the best; exclusivity, privacy, prestige, favor, function, security and protection as a start.  Look to U5T as your paramount, boutique first level of wealth accommodations – your home base if you will.

If you are a Private VIP Member then you are eligible.  We will be happy to walk you through the process, answer all your questions, and work with you through our partner base to bring you this world-class program. 

Universal 5 Trust  Program  U5T

It’s ready, we’re ready and we know you are ready to begin the journey to launch your new world of financial prosperity.  For many of you, years of study, planning, waiting, and hoping are behind you now as you sit on the cusp of your dreams.  You have diversified and managed investments  all your life and now it is time to create a solid, diversified, multi-tiered, and multi-jurisdictional structured financial base to contain our realized wealth.

This is a Private Memebers special VIP Section. 

Contact Us for more details.